Slot Patch Antenna Design
Slot-loaded rnicrostrip antenna. This paper presents the analysis of a slot-loaded rectangular microstrip antenna (Fig. 1) using equi valent circuit concept in which patch and slot on the patch are represented in terms of equivalent circuit parameters. In this circuit the slot is taken as a. The U-slot patch antenna was originally developed as a single-layer, single-patch wideband antenna. It has recently been shown that it can also be designed to perform a number of other functions. In this paper, a comprehensive account is given on the development of this antenna.
Design Ideas for Printed and Microstrip Antennas
Many of the antennas presented below relate to areas in which a wide variety of patents have been granted.
U Slot Patch Antenna Design
It should not be assumed that because a technique or physical structure is described here it is free of patents or other commercial Intellectual Property.
Slot Antenna Pdf
They are presented here only for information and educational purposes.
Patch Antenna Design Calculator
-Ground Plane Effect on Printed Antennas
-Planar Antennas Selection Chart
-Basic Microstrip Antenna Shapes
-Basic Printed Slot Antennas with Feed Structures
-Comparison of Microstrip Patch and Slot Antennas